A pivot is a method of grouping and displaying data by means of aggregating values -
in simple words , present one table-valued expression into another table.
Let see what that means in the example below.
Table #tmpBeforePivot representing table of transactions ,
the purpose is to get the transactions summary by each month of year in one row for
each policy .
You could use the case statement but within sql 2005 you got the pivot statement .
We will fill #tmpBeforePivot with dummy data :
table #tmpBeforePivot(PolicyKey int,[ValueDate] datetime,Amountdecimal (18,2))
insert into #tmpBeforePivot(PolicyKey, [ValueDate],Amount) values(1,'2009-01-23',1243.00)
and so on ...
And now for the pivot ....
For each month declare in select statement ,column that represent month of year .
The alias such as "Jan","Feb","March"… is for your discretion but columns within [] should
be the same as excepted key in our example Month of year from 1 to 12 .
Very simple and usefull feature .
For more information look at msdn : Using PIVOT and UNPIVOT
Let see what that means in the example below.
Table #tmpBeforePivot representing table of transactions ,
the purpose is to get the transactions summary by each month of year in one row for
each policy .
You could use the case statement but within sql 2005 you got the pivot statement .
We will fill #tmpBeforePivot with dummy data :
table #tmpBeforePivot(PolicyKey int,[ValueDate] datetime,Amount
insert into #tmpBeforePivot(PolicyKey
And now for the pivot ....
be the same as excepted key in our example Month of year from 1 to 12 .
[1] AS Jan,
[2] AS Feb ,
[3] AS March ,
[4] AS April,
[5] AS May,
[6] AS June,
[7] AS Jule ,
[8] AS August,
[9] AS September,
[10] AS November,
[11] AS October,
[12] AS December
SELECT [PolicyKey],
month([ValueDate]) as ValueDateMonth,
FROM #tmpBeforePivot
) p
sum (Amount)
FOR ValueDateMonth IN
) AS pvt
ORDER BY PolicyKey
[1] AS Jan,
[5] AS May,
[10] AS November,
[12] AS December
FROM #tmpBeforePivot
ORDER BY PolicyKey
For more information look at msdn : Using PIVOT and UNPIVOT